
Introduction to History

HIST 173/LAST 126 Heretics on Trial: The Holy Inquisition and its Enemies 


Lecture Courses

HIST/LAST 296 Colonial Latin America 

HIST/LAST 245 Modern Latin America since 1810

HIST 257/LAST 218 From Chocolate to Coca: Commodities and the Making of Latin America 


Upper-Level Seminars 

HIST 300 Issues in Contemporary Historiography 

HIST/LAST 322 Exploration, Conquest, and Insurrection: The History of the Amazon 1542 to the present 

HIST/LAST 335 Nature, Science, and Empire in Early Latin America

HIST/LAST 348 Urban Histories of Latin America 

HIST 356/LAST 229/CHUM 229 Between Worlds: Change and Continuity in Early Latin America 

HIST/LAST 373 Language and Power in Latin America 





The Cradle of Words: Languages, Knowledge and Governance in the Spanish Empire, in progress.

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:

“The Wavering Fortune of the Cosmography and Geography of Africa, 1550-2007,” in progress

 “Juan Páez de Castro and the Project of a Universal Library,” in Wars of Knowledge: Imperial Hegemony and the Assembling of Libraries Forum, Pacific Coast Philology, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2017, pp. 173-183.

“Language as Archive: Etymologies and the Remote History of Spain,” in Mercedes García-Arenal (ed.), After Conversion: Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity, (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 95-125.

“Aurel Stein’s Methods and Aims in Archaeology on the Silk Road,” in Helen Wang (ed.), Sir Aurel Stein, Colleagues and Collections, British Museum Research Publication 184, London 2012, pp. 1–7.

Web-Based Publications

“Language and the Ancient History of a New World,” in Contextos (Center for Latin American Studies, The University of Chicago, January 2017).
